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Want A Unique Office Space? Build A Tiny Office

by Vicky Mills

The idea of renting an office space, especially if it is just you who will be working there, might seem like an elaborate expense. You could buy the office space, of course, but if you decide to move your business elsewhere, you are stuck having to sell the property. If you only need a small space for your office, why not build a tiny office for your needs?

Renovate a Trailer or Build From Scratch

The choice to create your tiny office by completely building it from the ground up using blueprints and traditional building methods or renovating a trailer to keep the office potentially mobile depends on your needs. Purchasing the building materials, having an architect design it (unless you can design it yourself) and buying the land it will sit on can increase your costs.

However, if you buy a trailer—either a former recreational one or construction trailer—you will already have your basic structure in place. It can also cut down on land purchasing costs since it's on wheels and can be placed on a rented parcel of land that has access to utilities. If you are making your office completely off-grid, install solar panels and eco-friendly washrooms.

No Property Taxes

A definite plus to having a tiny office in a trailer is you typically don't have to pay property taxes on the land the trailer sits on (unless you own the land). While you may still have to pay rent on the property, there is a chance that your utilities will be included, which can further lower your costs.

Your Office is Mobile

Depending on the type of business you have or work you do, it might be possible to move your office to a new city, town or even state. It might be that you reside in a city that has been hit hard with layoffs and your business or work needs to find a more lucrative area. When you have a mobile tiny office, it's possible to move your workspace wherever you need it to be without searching for a new space.

Great for the Environment

If you are environmentally conscious, you might like the idea that your tiny office on wheels can help the environment. You are recycling trailers, chairs and other office supplies that would likely end up in landfills. Also, a tiny office leaves a very small environmental footprint, especially if you set it up to not draw electricity from the grid and use other eco-friendly equipment.

For more information about using a trailer as your office, contact a company like Instant Space Inc.
