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Need Tires? How To Choose The Right Ones For Your Car

by Vicky Mills

If it's time to put new tires on your car, make sure you get the right ones. Choosing the wrong tires for your car can reduce your fuel efficiency, decrease longevity, and undermine the appearance of your car. Here are four things you should consider when choosing tires for your car.

You Do a Lot of Driving

If you do a lot of driving each day, whether around town or commuting to and from work, you can't afford to choose the wrong tires for your car. Choosing tires that aren't designed for a lot of driving will reduce your fuel efficiency.

Not only that, but all the wear and tear on substandard tires will make them wear out quicker. Before you choose a set of tires for your car, make sure they're designed for fuel efficiency and commuter traffic.

You Want to Focus on Appearance

If you want your tires to say something about the vehicle you drive, you need to go beyond the typical stock options. You want your tires to add to the overall appearance of your car.


If you've invested time and money into customizing your car, don't settle for stock tires. Instead, choose low-profile tires or other custom options for your car.

Truck or SUV

If you drive a truck or SUV, go beyond basic tires. While standard tires will serve their purpose, they won't add to the appearance of your vehicle. Instead, choose a more rugged tire for your truck or SUV.


If you've restored a classic car, don't stop at the body and the interior. Instead, choose tires that are appropriate for your classic car. Your tire dealer can help you locate tires that will fit your classic car.

You Spend Time Off-Roading

If you go off-roading, don't settle for basic tires. That's a good way to get stuck in the dunes or suffer a blow-out while you're trying to have fun. Instead, choose tires that are designed to sustain the beating they'll endure while you're taking steep hills, rugged terrain, and sand dunes.

You Deal With Weather Fluctuations

If you face a variety of weather patterns each year, such as extreme heat or snow and ice, you need to take care with the tires you choose. You'll need tires that can avoid hydroplaning when those torrential rains arrive, as well as tires that will avoid slipping once you're faced with winter snow and ice.

The best way to do that is to choose sturdy all-season tires for your car. For more information, contact an auto shop that offers tire services.
