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Getting The Most From An Extended Auto Warranty? 3 Things To Discuss With Your Mechanic

by Vicky Mills

The cost of repairing or replacing a car engine, transmission, or other major component is a source of financial stress for many families today. Even vehicles specifically designed to be economical are loaded with computer chips and technically advanced components that increase the difficulty and expense of any repairs or maintenance that may be needed over the expected lifespan of the automobile.

Extended auto warranties can provide an affordable solution for families who would find it difficult or impossible to pay for expensive car repairs. If you have an extended warranty on your current vehicle or are considering the purchase of one, here are some important things you may want to discuss with an extended warranty auto mechanic. 

Be Sure of Coverage Details

Vehicle warranties can vary widely in the level of coverage they provide, so it is important for vehicle owners to do their research to make sure that the one they have for their car will be suitable for their needs. Extended vehicle warranties can be written to cover specific portions of the car, such as the drive train, or can provide more comprehensive coverage, often called bumper-to-bumper warranties. Car owners who fully understand the coverage details and limits of their extended vehicle warranty will be able to get the most value from their investment in the policy. 

Be Willing to Schedule Regular Maintenance

Because regular automobile maintenance is an important factor in reducing the scope and frequency of major repair issues, extended auto warranty programs typically encourage owners to make sure that regular maintenance tasks, like oil and filter changes, are done in a timely manner. In addition to helping to keep your vehicle in optimal condition as it ages, scheduling regular maintenance visits with an auto mechanic who provides extended warranty services can be an excellent way to ensure that looming repair issues are handled quickly and efficiently. 

Be Aware of How Payment for Repairs is Handled

Some extended warranties require the vehicle owner to pay for the repairs out of pocket and then wait to be reimbursed for the amount of coverage they have under the warranty terms. For many vehicle owners, opting to purchase an extended warranty plan that pays the auto mechanic directly is preferable because it reduces the initial financial responsibility of the owner. To learn more about an existing warranty plan or get help in selecting a new one, vehicle owners should consider discussing their situation with an auto repair company such as Elite Auto Repair, which offers extended warranty repair services in their immediate area.  
