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Why Ignoring Or Fixing A Cracked Windshield Yourself Is A Mistake

by Vicky Mills

If your windshield becomes cracked, you might not think it's a big deal. You can still see even with the crack in place, and you might rather save the money than spend it on having your windshield repaired. However, this can often backfire because the cost of repairing a crack is much lower than the cost of replacing an entire windshield. 

A Crack Will Only Get Worse

Cracks can continue to expand at any time, but they are the most likely to expand as the weather changes. When the temperatures fluctuate, the shrinking and expanding of the windshield cause the crack on the windshield to become bigger. This jeopardizes the integrity of the windshield.

Simple Fixes Do Not Work

Some motorists try to temporarily solve the problem by covering the crack with tape. However, the tape will have no impact on the structural integrity of your windshield, and the crack will continue to grow until it has been fixed. Other DIY mistakes include using glue to fix the windshield or using some other simple bandaid. All of these options will lead to your windshield being compromised.

DIY Kits Are Often Not As Effective

Another option that some motorists use is to purchase a DIY kit. However, fixing a windshield is not a simple task, and it's easy to make a mistake when you are using a DIY kit. You will also want to receive a professional opinion on what should be done about your windshield. If you hire windshield repair services, they will help you determine whether a simple fix can save your windshield or if you will need to replace it.

Windshield Repair Services Are the Most Reliable Solution

The best way to have your windshield repaired is to hire windshield repair services. Fortunately, in many cases, you don't even have to leave your driveway because the windshield repair services will come to you. They may be able to simply fill the crack and prevent it from expanding. However, if this is not possible, they may need to perform more extensive repairs. 

Once your windshield has been repaired, it's important to wait before driving your car. The chemicals used on your windshield will need time to dry and the repairs might be undone if you drive your car after you have had the windshield repaired. Once the chemicals have dried, however, it will be safe to drive your car.
