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How Does The Weather Affect Windshield Chips?

by Vicky Mills

While you might not be too concerned if you have a small chip in your car's windshield, you should have this damage repaired as soon as you can. You might not think that the chip will get worse; however, external factors such as the weather can make this damage spread.

How does the weather affect auto glass chips?

Hot Weather and Auto Glass Chips

If you leave your car out in hot sunny weather or drive when the sun is intense, then the sun's heat can affect your auto glass. While this isn't a problem if your windshield is intact, it can affect any chips you have on the surface.

External heat makes the glass in your car expand. It also changes the composition of the air inside your vehicle. Both of these problems can affect pressure levels on the damaged windshield glass.

For example, external heat can make glass more fragile and breakable. Interior hot air pushes against the inside surface of your windshield and puts increased pressure on it.

In the worst-case scenario, one or both of these added pressures will affect your chip. It might spread under this extra pressure and turn into a bigger crack.

Cold Weather and Auto Glass Chips

Cold weather can also have damaging effects on even the smallest windshield chips. Here, lower temperatures can make the glass contract. When this happens, your windshield becomes more brittle and is likely to break if it isn't intact.

The freeze-thaw cycle also causes problems here. If your windshield freezes overnight, then it will thaw out during the day when temperatures rise. This cycle of contraction and expansion can affect already damaged glass, especially if ice repeatedly forms inside a chip and then thaws out later.

Snow can also cause problems. If you have to leave your car outdoors in wintry weather, then snow will build up on your windshield. It adds extra weight which can put pressure on a chip.

Again, these weather problems can make chip damage worse. If the chip gets bigger or if the glass around it fails, then it could start to create more serious cracks in your windshield.

Windshield chips are typically easy to repair. However, if they spread and turn into cracks, then you might have to replace your windshield instead. This increases your costs. So, to avoid the weather turning your small chip into an unrepairable crack, contact a local auto glass repair service. They can repair your chip and make your windshield safe again.
