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Auto Transmission Repair: Rebuilding And Repairing

by Vicky Mills

Your vehicle's transmission is a complex and critical component that ensures the power generated by the engine is efficiently transferred to the wheels. Due to its multifaceted nature, when issues arise, deciding between repairing or rebuilding the transmission can be a difficult choice.

Transmission Repair 

A transmission repair generally involves fixing specific components of the transmission while leaving the rest untouched. Repairs can range from simple fixes, such as sensor replacements or adjusting the shift cable, to more complex tasks, like repairing leaks or replacing worn-out parts.

Here's what to expect in a transmission repair process:

  • Diagnosis: A certified technician will first diagnose the problem using advanced tools. They might also take the car for a test drive to understand the issue better.
  • Repair: Depending on the diagnosis, the technician will proceed with the necessary repairs. This could involve replacing faulty components, fixing leaks, or correcting issues with the transmission fluid.
  • Testing: After repairs are completed, the vehicle is test-driven to ensure that the original problem has been resolved and the transmission is functioning properly.

Transmission Rebuilding

Rebuilding a transmission is a more extensive process, usually reserved for severe transmission problems or when the transmission is too worn out for minor repairs to be effective. The process involves disassembling the entire transmission, inspecting every part, replacing damaged or worn-out components, and then reassembling it.

Here are the steps typically involved in a transmission rebuild:

  • Disassembly: The transmission is first removed from the vehicle and then disassembled. Each part is carefully cataloged for inspection.
  • Inspection: Every component is inspected for wear and damage. This step determines what needs to be replaced, what can be reconditioned, and what can be reused as is.
  • Replacement: All damaged or worn-out parts are replaced with new or refurbished parts. These include components like seals, gaskets, bands, clutch components, and often the torque converter.
  • Reassembly: The transmission is reassembled and reinstalled in the vehicle. New transmission fluid is added, and any necessary adjustments are made.
  • Testing: The vehicle is test-driven to confirm the rebuilt transmission operates correctly and ensures the initial issues are no longer present.

Choosing Between Repair and Rebuilding

The decision to repair or rebuild a transmission depends on factors such as the extent of the damage, the cost-effectiveness of each option, the age of the vehicle, and the overall condition of the transmission. Your auto technician can help you make an informed decision based on their diagnosis and professional expertise.

Whether you opt for a transmission repair or a complete rebuild, remember that the goal is to keep your vehicle running safely and efficiently for years to come. Always entrust your vehicle to a certified and experienced technician for the best outcomes.

Contact a local transmission repair service to learn more. 
